Author: SUHSD

  • Lighthouse Awards Honors Sweetwater District Equity & Culture Teacher Luis Lopez

    Lighthouse Awards Honors Sweetwater District Equity & Culture Teacher Luis Lopez

    Lighthouse Awards Honors Sweetwater District Equity & Culture Teacher Luis Lopez
    Lighthouse Awards Honors Sweetwater District Equity & Culture Teacher Luis Lopez

    Several individuals and organizations who are leaders in the educational community were recently honored by the San Diego County Office of Education’s Lighthouse Awards during a virtual 2021 Equity Conference. The awards honor those who are “beacons” leading others to increase diversity, equity and inclusion.

    Luis Lopez, Sweetwater District Equity & Culture Curriculum Teacher on Special Assignment was honored as one of the Lighthouse Awards recipients for his role in writing daily social and emotional learning activities formore than 1,800 teachers and 40,000 students in the Sweetwater District. Lopez was among seven individuals and organizations to receive this years Lighthouse Awards.

    “Equity in education happens when every student has fair access to the resources, educational rigor, and opportunities they need to be successful despite race, gender, ethnicity, language, disability, family background, or family income,” says Lopez. “Equity in education requires that everyone in our SUHSD community see themselves as successful, or as important. Knowing that they belong. That they matter. That they are making a difference. That what they are doing is enough for our students during the COVID-19 Pandemic because they are showing up for them in big way.”

    The written work Lopez developed is used in equity strategies so that all students feel included. He also works with LGBTQ students and the community to provide resources ensuring that all voices are heard.

    “I strongly believe that equity doesn’t happen without compassionate, selfless, loving people who choose to give, even when they don’t have to. Equity is love in action. It is having our cups filled so that we can fill the cups of others. Loving every child in our system as if they were our own and having everything we need to ensure that they thrive,” said Lopez.

    According to Lopez, this recognition came as a surprise. “I feeldeeply appreciative of having been nominated by my colleague and humbled to represent SUHSD with this award. I feel excited and energized to keep building on the equity work we have started as a district to keep chipping away at the challenges ahead!”

    “Equity is not something that happens to you, it happens with you and we can achieve it by giving everyone a voice to be heard and acknowledged,” said Lopez.

    For more information on the Lighthouse Awards and award recipients visit:


  • Sweetwater High School and City of National City Partner to Distribute PPE Representatives from Various Organizations Receive Essential Supplies

    Sweetwater High School and City of National City Partner to Distribute PPE Representatives from Various Organizations Receive Essential Supplies

    Recently, more than eighty pallets of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) was delivered and distributed at Sweetwater High School thanks to Last Mile San Diego and San Ysidro Health.
    Several volunteers conducted health screenings and distributed hand sanitizer, face shields and hand-held thermometers to various residents, families and organizations in need of supplies in the South County region.

    “We are honored and privileged to continue our collaboration with the city of National City,” said Maribel Gavin, Sweetwater High School’s principal. “Sweetwater High School is happy to work with our mayor, Alejandra Sotelo-Solis, and assist with the distribution of much needed PPE to our community members. Together we can continue to put safety and health measures in place and do our part to reduce COVID cases. This is one step closer to bringing students back to our campus.”

    The South Bay has been hit especially hard during the coronavirus pandemic, in part because so many residents are essential workers and have contracted the virus on the job or traveling for work.
    Representatives from the National School District, Granger Junior High, National City Middle School, Sweetwater High, Tijuana Hospital, the Teamsters Union, Project 1:1 and SD Labor Council were recipients of the PPE.

    According to Last Mile San Diego’s website, the volunteer group was “founded by a San Diego emergency physician and her friend, who shared experiences and heard from other San Diego ER physicians and nurses that they were unable to access adequate PPE.”Sweetwater High School and City of National City Partner to Distribute PPE Representatives from Various Organizations Receive Essential Supplies

  • Fourth Annual San Diego Black College Expo Virtual College Fair on February 18

    Fourth Annual San Diego Black College Expo Virtual College Fair on February 18

    Black College Expo San Diego (Virtual Experience)Calling all SUHSD high school students interested in connecting with representatives from historically black colleges at the Fourth Annual San Diego Black College Expo Virtual College Fair on Feb. 18.

    Select students may have the opportunity for on-the-spot college admissions and scholarships.

    Join the expo from noon to 3 p.m. on February 18, 2021.

    Students who plan to attend also have the opportunity to win a scholarship from the National College Resources Foundation by submitting a short essay (deadline Feb. 8) about why college is important to them.

    The annual event is being organized by the National College Resources Foundation in partnership with the San Diego County Office of Education to bring opportunities for students in our region.

    Live seminars include:

    • How to Find Money for College
    • How to Start a Business
    • Why Attend An HBCU
    • 411 for the Student Athlete

    Representatives from about 50 historically black colleges and universities will consult with students about their higher-education options. Students will also have the opportunity to get help with completing a Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

    The annual event is being organized by the National College Resources Foundation in partnership with the San Diego County Office of Education to bring opportunities for students in the San Diego region.

    Students and education professionals can register for free.

  • SUHSD Launches First Virtual Education Program in the South Bay

    SUHSD Launches First Virtual Education Program in the South Bay

    SUHSD Launches First Virtual Education Opportunity in the South Bay
    Sara (7th grade) and Eleni (9th grade) Keener.

    The Sweetwater District has expanded educational opportunities during the 2020/21 school year to accommodate the growing needs of students and families. Launch Academy is an innovative program designed to serve students who benefit from a customized virtual education solution.

    The new program provides participating students with the flexibility to complete all of their coursework outside of the traditional school building with the unique opportunity to participate in on-site extracurricular activities, including athletic teams and the districts award winning visual and performing arts programs (once the district has re-opened for in-person instruction).

    Launch Academy’s motto, propelling you into the future, was developed by Dr. Dan Winters, Director of Educational Technology for the Sweetwater District and a team of educators. “In this first year of the program, our goal is to build a foundation in how we will serve our students,” said Winters. “It was intended to be fully online with or without a pandemic.”

    The public online academy aligns with California Academic Standards and offers a self-paced education option for middle and high school students. Courses are taught by Sweetwater District teachers, and advanced academic offerings are also available.

    According to Winters, given that this was a program with zero students and teachers as of mid-July 2020, the entire Launch Academy team has done an outstanding job to get this program off the ground. Currently, the program serves 220 students and 30 students through concurrent enrollment. “We are building an online community so that students receive support while taking part in a personalized educational program, “ said Winters. “We strive to integrate the best idea from a comprehensive site with the best tools and approaches from the digital world.”

    Dr. Elvia Estrella, Launch Academy School Counselor says, “working during a pandemic where we are all experiencing a level of trauma, it’s important for students to have someone help guide them through the process of being behind a screen and go to school.”

    Highly qualified, certified teachers providing online instruction, offer a personalized, self-paced approach, small group coaching sessions and work closely with students and parents to customize lessons and provide flexible scheduling options. Teachers and staff monitor student progress weekly through video calls, email or by phone. Launch Academy has a total of ten teachers where students attend twice a week and are expected to complete thirty hours of work each week online.

    “Our teachers are outstanding individuals that care about students,” said Dr. Estrella. “I truly enjoy having a sense of normalcy being a part of something such as Launch Academy. If students are having a hard time during this transition, it’s key having someone to talk to. I owe my students the ability to validate that what we’re going through is going to be alright.”

    Sisters Eleni and Sara Keener, both students enrolled in Launch Academy, say they are enjoying being a part of the program, as it allows both of them, the opportunity to work independently and at their own pace. “I’m really enjoying this new format of learning, as it forces students to be less dependent on teachers, and more dependent on ourselves,” said Eleni, a freshman.

    “Being able to participate in traditional independent work has been a great time saver,” says Sara, a 7th grade student. “All of my teachers have been extremely accessible since school started. They’ve made my experience fun and meaningful.”

    Both girls and their parents say they believe Launch Academy is not only providing education, but life skills for college bound students.

    For more information, or to complete an enrollment request form visit,

  • Episode One: Montgomery High Principal Louie Zumstein and Leadership During a Pandemic

    Episode One: Montgomery High Principal Louie Zumstein and Leadership During a Pandemic

    SUHSD-Podcast-Episode1-LouieZumsteinJoin us as sit down with Louie Zumstein, Principal of Montgomery High School. Listen as Mr. Zumstein shares leadership, distance learning successes and challenges during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

  • Sweetwater District Partners with UCSD Extension Offering Series of Workshops for Parents

    Sweetwater District Partners with UCSD Extension Offering Series of Workshops for Parents

    In an effort to provide support to parents in the South Region of San Diego County, the Sweetwater Union High School District and Community Outreach at UC San Diego Extension are offering “Parent University”, a certification program made up of a series of free workshops for parents and caregivers focused on navigating the challenges of learning at home during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

    With more than 200 participants attending the first workshop, “Fundamentals of Brain-Compatible Learning for Parents”, Griselda Delgado, Director of State and Federal Programs says there’s one commonality parents attending these workshops have. “I’ve spoken to so many parents in our community whose dreams and aspirations went unfulfilled. Many of them have sacrificed their career dreams for their children for various reasons,” said Delgado. “I believe this is something that’s not only honorable, but inspiring. With that, I felt the need to help develop this program for parents, to focus on themselves for once.”

    Sweetwater District Interim Superintendent and UCSD Alumni Dr. Moises Aguirre opened the inaugural event, welcoming participants and expressing his appreciation on the significance of this partnership. “I wanted to take a moment to welcome and encourage everyone to strengthen this partnership, to ensure that our community down here in the South Bay knows that the university is accessible and it is here to provide education, service and research to our entire community,” said Dr. Aguirre.

    The Parent University concept stems from the districts State and Federal Programs annual Parent Symposium that launched three years ago. Due to the pandemic, Delgado and her team developed Parent University, for district parents to have an opportunity to earn a unique certification to gain 21st century skills in a competitive job market.

    Dr. Morgan Appel, Assistant Dean of Education and Community Outreach UCSD served as the keynote for the “Fundamentals of Brain-Compatible Learning for Parents” workshop. According to Delgado, parents posed nearly fifty questions during the webinar and Dr. Appel answered each question individually.

    In addition, the webinar was open to parents from in neighboring elementary school districts. According to Delgado, she believes parents begin educating their children early, and they begin to model to their children the importance of education. “I believe extending this invitation to our feeder districts helps parents build more confidence at home, but also in their future,” said Delgado.

    The next three Parent University Webinar Workshops include:

    • Social and Emotional Learning and Stress Reduction
    • Creating and Maintaining an Effective Environment for Learning at Home
    • Supporting Essential Skills for the 21st Century: A Guide for Parents

    For more information and to register, visit:

  • Honoring Our Own Awards Recognizes Adult Education Director Dr. Ryan Burke

    Honoring Our Own Awards Recognizes Adult Education Director Dr. Ryan Burke

    San Diego County recently honored Sweetwater District Adult Education Director Dr. Ryan Burke as one of the 2020 Administrators of the Year!

    The awards were recognized by the San Diego County School Boards Association and the Association of California School Administrators Region 18 (ACSA). Honoring Our Own is a collaboration between the two organizations where educators, parents, community members, board members and support staff are honored for making a difference in the lives of students.

    The event was held virtually on October 3rd via YouTube.

    The Sweetwater District is exceptionally honored to have Dr. Burke lead the districts Adult Education program by supporting adult development with a lifelong transformative learning approach.

    Congratulations Dr. Burke, 2020 ACSA Region 18 Administrator of the Year Awardee!

  • Back to School During A Pandemic: Q&A with SUHSD Teacher Christian Moreno

    Back to School During A Pandemic: Q&A with SUHSD Teacher Christian Moreno

    Q&A with the Experts - Christian Moreno - EastLake Middle SchoolQ&A with the Experts – Christian Moreno – EastLake Middle School

    How many years have you worked in education?
    I am currently in my sixth year of teaching.

    How many years with the Sweetwater District?
    I have spent my entire career teaching in the SUHSD. It’s amazing to teach in the district I went to school in.

    What subject area do you teach?
    I teach 7th grade Dual Language World Cultures and English Language World Cultures.

    What inspired you to pursue a career in education?
    Growing up in National City to immigrant parents, I was taught the way out of a life of struggle was education. In a way, I have always been teaching; teaching my parents how to be American, how to be part of a country they were not born in. I also had to teach myself to adapt to being a person between two worlds: that of being American by birth and Mexican by culture. I was lucky enough to be guided by amazing teachers that led by example and taught me that I was more than capable to not only make it, but surpass expectations. Teachers from the National School District like Ms. Casillas, Ms. Svenson and teachers from Sweetwater like Mrs. Hall, Mr. Opina, Mrs. McNally and Mrs. Wadell. Now I feel as if I have unlocked this golden ticket on how to get students to be successful and I want to pay it forward.

    What inspires you daily to do your best?
    My students inspire me to do my best. They are so smart and they do not even know it. I engage my students on a daily basis by challenging them to do their best. I push them to do more than they think they can do by digging into their prior knowledge and skills and prove to them that they already know how to do something, but then apply it to our academics. The students bring me energy, motivation, inspiration and hope.

    Please share your experience in teaching during a pandemic?
    I would not be truthful if I did not say this has been the most stressful teaching experience of my career. I am blessed with the curriculum that was developed for the district by Ms. Aida Jarrett, but the planning and expectations that I have for myself and my students requires me to do a lot. I have to be engaging to students so they are motivated to contribute to class and complete their assignments. On a personal level, I have to balance being a parent of two children who need their father to help them with distance learning themselves, as well as a wife who is also working from home.

    What have you learned most during this season of teaching?
    During this teaching season I have learned how much I enjoy teaching. I work extremely hard to motivate my students and in turn they work hard in my class and for themselves. I am still able to connect with my students, though screens, and show them how much I appreciate them. Connecting with them via distance learning is still possible!

    How have you adapted to distance learning?
    I have had to adapt my very hands on teaching to creating assignments that require more student independence. My checks for understanding have changed to “thumbs up” in chats to “raising your hand” in TEAMS to typing “I understand.” In reality, I am teaching the students a more abbreviated version of our class with the most energy I can possibly give from my living room.

    What advice would you give parents on how best to support their students?
    I would encourage parents to ask their children daily what they are learning and how. Asking them what they are learning will allow them to put into words what they are learning, solidifying what it is they are learning. If you can teach it, you know it. Students should be teaching their parents what they themselves are learning in class.

    What unique ways have you tried to engage with your students while teaching online?
    I like to engage students by showing them how excited I am to see them and constantly telling them. In this difficult time where teachers are working the most they have ever worked, I like to tell my students that all the work that I do is worth it when I get to be in class with them. It’s not lip service, it’s the truth.

    Any fun hobbies or interests you’d like to share?
    Cycling has become a much needed stress reliever. I ride with some awesome people from the community of Chula Vista. My own kids have reached the age where they are riding two wheelers and it’s currently the greatest thing ever.

  • Back to School During A Pandemic: Q&A with SUHSD Teacher Amanda Stroberg

    Back to School During A Pandemic: Q&A with SUHSD Teacher Amanda Stroberg

    Q&A with the Experts – Amanda Stroberg – Eastlake High School

    Q&A with the Experts - Amanda Stroberg – Eastlake High School
    Amanda Stroberg – Eastlake High School Teacher

    How many years have you worked in education?
    This is my 22nd year in education and I have a multiple subject, single subject, and preliminary services administrative credential.

    How many years with the Sweetwater District?
    This is my 14th year in the district.

    What subject area do you teach?
    I am a Biology teacher by trade. I also developed a Forensics course that has been approved by the University of California system as a “g” elective. In my current role, I serve as the Attendance Coordinator at Eastlake High School.

    What inspired you to pursue a career in education?
    Initially, I wanted to go to medical school and knew I wanted to be in the field of science. That led me to teaching.

    What inspires you daily to do your best?
    The staff I work with inspire me to do my best. I want to support them the best I can, as well as the students I serve.

    Please share your experience in teaching during a pandemic?
    I taught the first three weeks and recognize the challenge in developing relationships with students and families online. I believe all teachers want to meet their students in person to create a more personal connection, but everyone is doing the best they can, given the situation. Creating work that cannot simply be copied off the internet is time-consuming, and because we all care, educators are putting in the necessary time to do the best they can. I am fortunate to work with colleagues who are willing to do what it takes.

    What have you learned most during this season of teaching?
    Communication is key. Keeping that line of communication open is just as important.

    How have you adapted to distance learning?
    This shift was not difficult for me as I worked online for six years prior to the pandemic. I am comfortable teaching online, managing time online, and making phone calls home due to my prior experiences.

    What advice would you give parents on how best to support their students?
    Educators cannot stress enough the importance of being involved in your child’s education. That means checking their grades and work to see if your student is struggling. While we want students to self-advocate, if your student is not succeeding online, we encourage parents to get involved in their learning. Teachers need parent support during this time to help keep students on pace if they are not participating. Equally as important, communicate immediately with teachers if you see your student is struggling. We do not want students to fail and appreciate when parents contact us for help or to let us know if there are factors at home interfering with school.

    What unique ways have you tried to engage with your students while teaching online?
    I like to text students to see if they have a phone since many of them have this communication tool already in place.

    As a teacher and a parent with school age children, how are you navigating working and providing distance learning for your children?
    I have children in 6th, 8th, and 11th grade. I am very fortunate that my children can work independently. I do check in with them periodically and I check their grades weekly as well. While time consuming, I do read all teacher messages (14 teachers) and all principal messages (3 principals), as well as know the bell schedules as they all have different schedules. As a parent, it is my responsibility to keep up with the information and be informed, so I take the time to read at night so I’m aware of what’s needed from them. With all the transparency these days, we parents have access to all our students’ information so it is easy to see how my children are doing.

    Any fun hobbies or interests you would like to share?
    I enjoy music and like to play the guitar (still learning) and sing at church. I also enjoy working out, reading, and spending time with my family.

  • Sweetwater District Adult Education Program Offers Free Classes for 2020-21 School Year

    Sweetwater District Adult Education Program Offers Free Classes for 2020-21 School Year

    Free Career Technical Education Courses Offered at Four Locations

    In an effort to provide assistance to adult learners in the South Region of San Diego County, the Sweetwater Union High School District, Adult Education Division has launched Free Career Technical Education courses to provide aid for students and communities in need during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

    “During these unprecedented times, it is our priority to help and support our community through this global pandemic by offering free courses throughout the South Bay,” said Audrey Diedorff, Teacher in the Adult and Continuing Education division.

    While English as a Second Language, earning a High School Diploma and other classes have always been free, Adult Educations career training courses have historically been offered at a low cost. However, due to the global pandemic and it’s affect on community member jobs and finances, the program is aware that many students and families are experiencing difficult times and need support.

    Adult Education has been a strong and integral part of Sweetwater Districts educational programing for many years. Adult Education provides adult students, with valuable career and technical education, so students can enter the workforce with skills and competencies to be successful in pursuing advanced training in postsecondary educational institutions or upgrade existing skills and knowledge.

    Courses will be offered for the 2020-2021 school year at four locations of the districts adult schools that include: Chula Vista Adult, Montgomery Adult, San Ysidro Adult and National City Adult School. A few of the course offerings include, administrative medical assistant, certified nursing assistant, computer applications, health care essentials, medical coding and billing, pastry chef, culinary arts and security.

    “The Adult Education Division has always been committed to meeting the needs of the South Bay community,” said Diedorff. “We encourage community members to come learn a new career or trade with us. All courses are currently online and are available mornings and evenings.”

    For more information, and for details on courses visit,