Performance Dates: February 20-22 & 27-29!
Buy Tickets Now
$10 for Adults, $12 at the door
$5 for Students, $7 at the door
Checks can be made out to “Chula Vista High School ASB”

The kingdom is an unhappy one. The King has been struck dumb by a witch’s curse and the Queen has assumed power. She decreed that no one in the Kingdom may wed until Prince Dauntless is married to a true princess of Royal blood. So far…NO ONE qualifies.
Enter Princess Winnifred, as unlike a typical princess as you can get! Prince Dauntless is pretty impressed and is soon obviously in love with her – to the consternation of the angry Queen, who decides to give her an impossible test – a pea is placed beneath twenty mattresses and if Princess Winnifred cannot sleep, she will prove her royal birth.